We have lived in the Lot-et-Garonne in South West France for over a month now.
The people are lovely, the area is stunning, the wine is well, French wine… which is awesome and the food is to die for.
The adventure has been eventful, loads of fun and it continues. We live in a beautiful wee village/commune called Francescas.
I have a small portrait studio set up in the basement of the house and have begun a project to photograph as many of the people of Francescas as possible. I plan to show this locally and online next year. Hopefully I’ll catch everyone in and around the village within the year.
The plan has always been to keep up digital commitments back in Scotland working part time with QikServe by working remotely (thank goodness for decent broadband all over France) and to re-ignite my photographic career and activities through having a small studio and making myself available to publications, agencies and arts organisations from around the world from down here in South West France.
This week saw me having a wee test shoot with our friend Olivier from Francescas and his lovely daughters. They have been so welcoming and helpful. We are very grateful for/to these new friends. During a wee early evening ‘apéro’, we jumped into the studio and had a wee mess about. What an energy these girls and their dad have.
Thanks for the laugh famille Robert, there will be more sessions I’m sure (and many more apéros!)
So, that’s the studio christened with real French people and the journey continues.
All detail & imagery is copyright © Colin Usher.
Tel: 06 34 56 10 70 E: colin@colinusher.com
SIRET: 8235 4941 500029